------------------------------------------THE SURVIVAL GUIDE OF LIFE----------------------------------------
These are all legitimate tested facts in a laboratory in Somewhere, Nevada.
1. Don't F*ck with the bear
2. Don't taunt the bear
3. Don't feed the bear
4. Don't chase the bear
5. Don't steal from the bear
6. Don't lick the bear
(The rules wouldn't exist if they weren't tried)
7. Don't fight the bear
8. Don't climb a tree to escape the bear
9. Don't try to outswim the bear
10. Don't argue with the bear
11. Don't scream at the bear
12. Don't flirt with the bear
13. Don't poke the bear
14. Don't spray the bear with any substance
15. Don't try to party with the bear
16. Don't trip the bear
17. Don't play "Guess What I Ate?" with the bear
18. Don't play "Guess What You Ate?" with the bear
19. Don't play with the bear
20. Don't flip off the bear
21. Don't try to "ninja" the bear
(You're name ain't Rikimaru)
22. Bears don't like cheese.
23. Don't try to distract a bear with cheese
24. Don't throw up on the bear
25. Don't throw down on the bear
26. Don't try to "serve" the bear
27. Don't try to appease the bear...
by offering yourself to it sexually.
28. Don't try to "eat back" to the bear
29. Don't surprise the bear
30. Don't *insert aggitating verb* bear
31. Don't eat near the bear
32. Don't chew on the bear
33. Don't chew with the bear (?!?)
34. Bears are big, wild, beasts...
with large teeth and claws
(That should tell you to *Rule 1*)
35. Don't try to 'punk' the bear
36. Don't give the bear $4 when he wants 5.
37. Don't move into a bear's woods...
and expect him to learn your language.
38. Don't try to press your beliefs of any kind on the bear.
39. Don't ride the bear.
40. Don't challenge the bear to a Poke'battle
41. Bears don't like pokemon
42. All bears are saiyans
43. Don't kill the bear's best friend
44. Don't try to kill a bear from 200 yds away
45. Don't believe Goldilocks!
46. Don't spawn-kill the bear.
47. Don't send the bear spam emails
48. Don't give bears computers.
49. Don't trust the bear.
They are NOT filled with candy!
50. Don't distract a bear with candy.
51. Bears REALLY...
Hate forest fires.
52. Don't fondle the bear.
53. The bear is not your territory.
54. Don't pee on the bear.
55. Bears are resistant to all status effects.
This includes "Pokeball"
56. Don't eskimo kiss the bear.
57. Bears won't do shit for a Klondike Bar
58. Don't "Solar Flare" the bear
59. Bears are 10th-dans in Muai Thai
60. To not pretend to be a bear.
61. Do not whisper "sweet nothings" into the bear's ear
62. Bears are full of joy and happiness.
Too bad that's digested at birth.
63. Don't moon the bear
64. Contrary to popular belief...
Running naked circles around a bear...
Does NOT immobalize them.
65. Bears DO enjoy the taste of human flesh.
66. Bears never die. They only wait...
So they can eat your soul.
67. Bears are fireproof
68. Don't throw a raccoon at the bear.
69. Don't spray paint the bear's big blue house.
70. Don't put a hit out on the bear.
71. Bears can smell your heartbeat.
72. Do not try to mind-link with the bear.
73. Don't "Bear Blast" the bear
74. Don't read this to the bear
75. The bear's only weakness is bears
76. On full moons,
Bears become...
Chuck Norris
77. Always take bear bait with you...
That is...
Alway bring,
A slower friend
78. Bears blood is 5x more potent than acid
79. Bears believe that the world is flat...
The world is f*cking flat.
80. There was a man...
Who met a bear...
A mass of claws...
And fangs and hair...
He talked some shit...
And now he's gone...
Too bad he never...
Read the laws.
Follow the Rules!!!
81. Don't sprinkle fairy dust on the bear
82. Don't put sprinkles...
on a bear's ice cream
83. Don't buy a bear sprinkles
84. Don't sell a bear sprinkls
85. Don't feed a bear sprinkles
86. Don't show a bear sprikles
87. Don't own sprinkles
88. If you don't know by now...
Bears f*ckin hate sprinkles
89. And don't EAT sprinkles!!!
They know...
90. Bears don't care...
if you're the prince...
of all saiyans
91. Bears don't care if you're Prince
92. Bears don't care if you're...
The Artist Formerly Known...
As Prince.
93. Bears don't care.
94. Don't high-five bears...
95. Don't give a bear...
a Sega Dreamcast.
96. Don't play "Open Chest" with the bear
They're REALLY good...
At opening chests
97. Don't use a derogitory term...
That you think is okay...
because bears say it to other bears...
It's not okay...
98. Bears use the other 90% of our brains
99. If you see a bear...
Running in fear...
Run With The Bear!
100. Following Rule #1...
Keeps you safe...
If you do that...
None of the others are necessary...
Stay the hell out of the forest.


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No New Posts The Freewrite

This is the freewrite. Make a thread for your story and post away. A chapter per post, a page per post, it doesn't matter. Your story your rules!

Moderators: Sir Kiken, Korin, Dirt

Sub-boards: Continuewrite, Dailywrite, Collections

42 261 The Big Family
by invisiblemunky
Jul 11, 2013 3:44:22 GMT -5
No New Posts The Worldwrite

The new Worldwrite is now a collection of imaginative worlds where several stories take place. There will be more than one and if you want a story to take place there then it can. If anyone would like to submit a world after reading up on the ones already set up, then please message me about it and I'd be happy to make a section for you.

Moderators: Sir Kiken, Jhessail, Pheonix Metabashi

Sub-board: Verim

5 15 Following aspects of demographics
by account_disabled
Dec 25, 2023 0:47:32 GMT -5
No New Posts Collaberation

This is for collaberating stories. If a single story in the working and being managed by a specific group of people this is where you put it. Only that group of people have the right to post in that particular story unless I am messaged telling me that a specific person is allowed into said group. I need a group name and the administrative members. Example:
Group A
Members: Member 1, Member 2, and Member 3

Moderators: Sir Kiken, Dirt, Korin

3 41 Current Groups
by Sir Kiken
May 19, 2012 15:44:20 GMT -5
No New Posts Comedy

Everyone loves to laugh so help 'em do so.

Moderators: Sir Kiken, Korin, Dirt

19 353 What character would have a good talk show?
by Knight
Dec 22, 2011 18:45:17 GMT -5
No New Posts FanFic

This is the same stuff as the freewrite, just not for origional work. If you have something that is fanfiction...post it here.

Sub-boards: Conficuwrite, The FreeFic

7 44 Triplicate of Enemies
by The Chronic Dragon
Feb 2, 2010 15:44:27 GMT -5


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No New Posts RP Land

Do you like to role play as characters? It can be pretty fun. Go here to do so. Make sure you follow the rules.

Moderators: Sir Kiken, Korin, Dirt

3 68 Sacred Bar
by Jhessail
Mar 3, 2010 20:46:49 GMT -5


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No New Posts General Board

You can talk about anything here. This is the only place where guests COULD post replies. Since the privilege was heavily abused by a few spammers, that is no longer the case. If you'd like to communicate then I'm afraid you'll have to make an account.

Moderators: Sir Kiken, Korin, Dirt

Sub-boards: Site Board, Sir Kiken's Board, Dirt's Board, Jhessail's Board, Pheonix Metabashi's Board, AmorousAngel's Board, Caedrauka's Board, C Drag's Board, Knight's Board, Korin's Board, Rofl Panda's Board

29 105 市场中追赶您需要拥有某种竞争优
by account_disabled
Jan 2, 2024 23:59:38 GMT -5
No New Posts Media Board

Movies, music, other cool stuff like that. Yes, it has a place now.

Moderators: Sir Kiken, Pheonix Metabashi, Dirt

17 108 About Optical Media Board
by Deleted
Dec 28, 2017 7:46:36 GMT -5
No New Posts Debate Central

It's more of a "Who Would Win" place. i.e
Superman vs Jedi
Goku vs Superman
Superman vs Hammich the Great

Whatever. You get what I'm saying right?

I still must reinforce that it's a debate so try to mention something meaninful in your posts here. Try not to bs too much at least until a winner has been declared. Winner only declarable after either everyone who's participating agrees or at least ten posts have gone by.

Moderators: Sir Kiken, Dirt, Korin, Pheonix Metabashi, Jhessail

6 54 切割成碎片设计时应考虑到车辆的
by account_disabled
Oct 12, 2023 6:53:49 GMT -5


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No New Posts Idea Pitch

Looking for ideas? Here is where you can throw out ideas you can't use for other people to salvage or get some to add onto your own story.

Moderators: Sir Kiken, Dirt, Korin

Sub-board: Recycle Box

5 177 Idea X Change
by Sir Kiken
May 6, 2011 18:59:32 GMT -5


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Sir Kiken: Well we've officially migrated to Proboards V5 and I for one am liking the new look. It'll take me some time to get used to the new features, but here we go anyway! Apr 29, 2013 13:02:10 GMT -5
Pheonix Metabashi: Like the remodel. The Bashi likes a lot. Dec 19, 2013 10:48:06 GMT -5
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